What you can do
Administering Naloxone
It's easier than you think
If you don't know how to administer Naloxone, learn! It's simpler than you may anticipate.
You can learn how to administer Naloxone by attending a presentation or talk led by either LukeLove, or LA Recovery Connect. If you want to know when those talks or presentations may be, email us!
We're also more than happy to provide videos and demonstrations.
For those, you can visit LukeLove.org or click this button to watch a short YouTube clip with simple instructions.
Getting Naloxone
It's everywhere!
To get Naloxone, contact The LukeLove Foundation, LA Recovery Connect, SayKnow, or your local pharmacy! The LukeLove Foundation provides the medication for free and your local pharmacy may have it for $45-$55 over the counter. Amazon also sells Naloxone for under $60.
Identifying an Overdose
Keep an eye out!
• Deep snoring or gurgling (death rattle)
• Very infrequent or no breathing
• Pale, ashen, & clammy skin
• Heavy nodding
• Unresponsive to stimulation
• Slow heart beat /pulse
Step-By-Step Process
Anyone can do it!
Step 1: Recognize symptoms
Step 2: Call 911
Step 3: Check for responsiveness
Step 4: Administer Naloxone
Step 5: Perform CPR; if trained
Step 6: Administer again if
unresponsive for 2 minutes
Step 7: Put them in the recovery position